Monday, June 20, 2011


As I was channel surfing the other day, I caught a snippet of the upcoming season finale of The Apprentice.  Though I always thought of that show as vapid and full of crap, I was taken aback by how Donald Trump could easily fancy you with his commanding demeanor.  Here's a thought. What if you were growing up and he was your dad.  Yes, he consummately fires his pseudo-apprentices perennially on the boob tube.  Its a no brainer.  I'm afraid it must have been a household from hell like everyday you have to wake up and instead of your mom shouting at the top of her lungs, it is Donald giving you a quick thump on the head for starter in the morning LOL.  Would he ever fire you at all or kick you out of the house if he feels lousy to at least consider you as one of his offspring?  I wonder hows it like to have two other robotic siblings and if hes a boring dad.  His itinerary is way too predictable.  Office, office and more office.  Does he ever get to think of going home for a change?  Does he still remember the exact current count of his plush condos and apartments or at least know the difference between a garage and a backdoor kitchen?  Does he still have time to check and fix some broken pipes or replace the rusting lavatory flush tank, better yet pick the menu for the day?  I wonder if he still has time to breathe and pause for a while after rearranging his stash of bonds and dollars in his vault.  Does he ever freak out whenever his house help accidentally finds a stray Benjamin downstairs and do finders keepers?  Will he ever gonna change his hairstyle soon or does it ever occur to him that it ain't sometimes cool to see him tired on TV?  It makes his hair fall to the other side rather than the regular combover that he sports LOL.

He will make the word "PAL" ancient.  It does not and will not exist in his vocabulary.  "PAL" is a very strong word.  Well frown all you want.  We dream of being one every once in a while though "bum" would be much more politically correct...

Forgive me for my train of thoughts today.  This is just me acting up when I am totally bored out of my wits.  I just hate it when I don't drink my meds ceremoniously.

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