Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It's raining again today.  The last time I checked my Twitter timeline, feeds from PAGASA says expect more heavy rains in the coming days as the low pressure area that has been looming outside the Pacific has just turned into a tropical depression.  Great! More rains? Its not like the summer just hurried its way back to the western hemisphere and left us wanting more.

I'm more of a "sunshine" person than a "rain" one.  There is not much to do when it is raining. Artificial lights are turned on.  It does not give off any therapeutic heat or excite any biological D's in your system.  Cant even go outside.  As I work from home, waking up to this kind of weather is the hardest part. The sight of the cold pillows and the crumpled bed is just overpowering.  They will slowly but surely pull you back to sleep and since you command your time, it is rarely optional if you find yourself gravitate towards those hedonistic cues.

The clock says it's already past 12 noon and I can see a ray of light struggling to peek out from behind those angry gray clouds.  I do find comfort in this unrealistic realm of thought.  I believe it makes us more human and vulnerable to prevaricate from time to time.  While others may perceive rain as literal blessing to wash and cleanse the souls, others find it hard to accept how unpredictable rain can get by ruining their "parade."  One thing is for sure, the rainy season is really upon us now.  I mean c'mon.  What kind of fool can argue with that?


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